Demonstrationen und Aktionen am 13. Oktober 15 gegen die Rechtlosigkeit

Stop the tightening of the asylum law against the refugees!

Oct., 13, 10 AM, Staatskanzlei, Erfurt  / On tuesday, Oct. 13 the thuringian state government will decide weather or not they will endorse the thightening of the asylum law that will be consulted in the Bundesrat on Oct. 16. The new asylum law will bring:

  • * more isolation through longer centralized accomodation in Lager
  • * Reintroducing of the voucher system for social benefits instead of money
  • * more and faster evictions without prior notice
  • * more so-called safe third countries
  • * special Lager and special treatment for refugees from so-called safe third countries, meaning a massive restriction of their rights
  • * denial of medical treatment and supply beyond the subsistence level (only food packages and a roof over the head) for people who resist their eviction)What is discussed at the moment is right-wing populism. The new asylum law enforces a disgraceful and shabby treatment of refugees. It’s goal is active exclusion of those who are (supposedly or in fact) not useful for German economic interrests.We’ll protest against this law. We think it is as important to demonstrate against the stimple and stupid racism of AfD and Nazis as against the institutional racism of the federal governement.Rally on Tuesday, Oct. 13, Staatskanzlei, Erfurt